Distressed Foil Technique

  1. Prepare Your Materials

    You’ll need your blank garment, a Howard Multi-Purpose heat transfer, textile foil, and of course your heat press. We recommend using Howard Multi-Purpose because it uses a powder adhesive necessary for the foil to adhere to.

  2. Prepare Your Transfer

    Because the foil will stick to any excess adhesive, give the transfer a once over. A soft bristle brush can help with this, or simply rub your fingers across the paper gently to remove.

  3. Apply Your Transfer

    Apply your Howard Multi-Purpose transfer at 350F for 10-12 seconds and peel hot. We recommend using an ink color similar to your foil color.

  4. Apply Your First Layer Of Foil

    To obtain the distressed look, crumple your foil as much or as little as you’d like it to be distressed. Place it foil side facing up, cover with parchment or silicone paper, and apply for up to 30 seconds at 350F with firm pressure. Wait until it has completely cooled to peel.

  5. Apply Your Second Layer Of Foil

    You can stop at the single layer of distressed foil or you can add another layer! Apply the second layer exactly as you applied the first, but without crumpling it.